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Instructional Media

This is my activity on campus regarding the subject of instructional media. At the third meeting ago, the materials were about the kinds of instructional media and their definitions. After the group discussion in class, I also read on the internet for more details. Well, let’s check this out!


Audio Media

A media tools that's the content messages can only be received through the sense of hearing alone. Audio media in teaching is a medium containing a message and the symbols in the form of auditory, both verbal (words or verbal form) and nonverbal.
Media audio is also a medium of learning that are unidirectional, so if something is not clear students can not directly ask.
However, because of its record, so if there is something less obvious learners can play them back over and over again anywhere and anytime, until learners can gain clarity about the material they are studying.

Example : radio, audio cassette, CD/DVD, MP3.

Advantages :
  • Cheap price and variety programs are more than TV, 
  • Can be used simultaneously with recording device, so it can be repeated or played back, 
  • Useful to practice listening, pronunciation and intonation skills of students, 
  • Improve students’ ability to remember, 
  • Useful in distant learning, 
  • Helpful in stimulating creative thinking, increase imagination.
Disadvantages :
  • The difficulty in controlling tool, 
  • Need more oversight, 
  • Takes a lot of time, 
  • Characteristically one direction, 
  • Audio media that featuring the symbol digits and analog in auditory form is abstract, so that the certain things require the help of visual experience.

Visual media

Visual learning media is instructional media that is able to show learning material in the form of display. Examples of this visual learning media is the black-board, the bulletin board, pictures, charts, photographs, posters, maps, the globe, models, specimens, textbooks, silent motion pictures, etc.
Visual learning media in particular is able to show what it should be and the real view of the phenomenas studied. With the use of instructional media is no longer visual learners can only imagine the phenomenas are studied, the teachers also had no trouble showing what they mean and would be submitted. This is certainly an advantage itself of visual learning media which has many important functions if applied properly and in accordance in learning.

Advantages :
  • Able to attract and direct the students’ attention, 
  • Repeatable, can be read everytime, 
  • Sharper analysis, can make people really understand the contents of the news with a more detailed analysis and make people think more specifically about content writing.
Disadvantages :
  • Slow and less practical, 
  • The absence of audio, visual media is only form of writing and certainly can’t be heard, so that the material presented is less detailed, 
  • Visual limited, this media can only give a visual form of images that represent the content of the news,
  • Production cost is quite expensive because the print media should be print and send it before it can be enjoyed.

Auido-visual Media

Audio-visual aids are those which require the involvement of learners’ visual and audio senses (both “seeing” and “hearing”). Any program developed to show something through any audio-visual aid calls upon learners’ ability to learn through listening and viewing (seeing). Audio-visual educational programs are so developed that these two learners’ abilities are well integrated with the information or ideas contained in the lesson to be taught.

Example : television (programs), video (films).

Advantages :
  • Classroom teaching can be converted into a very joyful learning experience, 
  • Helps in better retention of the content, 
  • Present a number of things to students in a very short time.
  • Delivering the subject in a very short time
Disadvantages :
  • Too stressed the importance of the material rather than the process of development and still looking at the audio-visual material as a tool for teachers in teaching. 
  • Audio-visual media can’t be used anywhere and anytime, because the audio-visual media tend to remain in place,
  •  Audio-visual media tend to use one way communication model.


Computer-based learning is also known as computer-aided instruction. Computer-based learning is a term that can be used to describe virtually any kind of learning program using computers as a central staple. This type of learning has been used as a tool in the midst of a more traditional classroom experience. It has also been used as a primary education method, especially in many online education programs. The use of computers for learning has generally increased with the advancement of technology. The ability of computer hardware to process and present many different media types has allowed for more complex computer learning strategies.

Example : the use of multimedia presentations, interactive multimedia CD, instruction video.

Advantages :
  • Provide opportunities for students to solve problems individually, 
  • Provide compelling presentations with animation, 
  • Provide learning content choices are many and varied, 
  • Capable of motivating students to learn, 
  • Capable of activating and stimulating methods of teaching well, 
  • Promoting the development of students' understanding of the material presented, 
  • Give direct feedback,   
  • Can accommodate students who are slow because it can create an effective learning climate with a much more personal way, 
  • The handle is on the student so that the learning speed can be adjusted to the level of ability, 
  • Improve learning outcomes with the use of time and a relatively small cost.
Disadvantages :
  • High cost of procurement and development of computer programs, 
  •  Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind, 
  •  Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates, 
  •  Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help, 
  •  Slow internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating.


Realia is learning media using real objects that can be found in our daily lives to help learning process. The meaning real objects as a medium here is a tool to deliver information in the form of objects or the actual object and does not change significantly.
In the TEFL classroom, the word means using real realia items found in everyday life as an aid to teaching English. Using realia helps to make English lessons memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase they represent.
As a real object, realia is a tool that can provide direct experience to the user. Therefore, realia widely used in teaching and learning as tools to introduce a new subject. Realia is able to give real meaning to the things that were previously only described in the abstract that the words or just visual.
In education, realia often regarded as an information medium most accessible and interesting. For media information, realia able to explain things that are abstract with little or no explanation verbal/oral. By interacting directly with realia, hopefully things are less clear when explained verbally/orally will become clear. Realia has the ability to stimulate the imagination of the user by bringing life in the real world into the library or in the classroom.

Example : chair, table, apple, banana, newspaper, pamphlet, etc.
Advantages :
  • Most accessible and attract attention,
  • Provide direct and real experiences that cannot be obtained through other media, 
  • Stimulating the imagination of students, 
  •  Able to explain things that are abstract with little or no verbal description, 
  •  Useful to help your students grasp the cultural differences or learn practical skills.
Disadvantages :
  • It is difficult to bring learning object that are too large (locomotives, planes, elephant) or too small (germs), 
  • Possible students have different interpretations of the object being studied, 
  •  Real objects may not support a cultural distinction, 
  •  Spending too much time in one activity with real objects in the class.

That’s all about The Instructional Media. So if you want to teach, then you should consider which instructional media suitable for your students and the corresponding requirements on the subjects you teach. Expected to criticism/suggestion or if there is something you want to correct/add, please write in the comment box.

Thanks to :
My friends English Education 2015 B1 Class, STKIP SILIWANGI BANDUNG,
Material development Realia.pptx, Sehabat Yilmaz,,,,,,,
image by


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